Saturday, May 19, 2007

I am having some trouble understanding a couple of the questions for the final and was hoping that someone could help me to understand them better. First, question #2 in the short answer section is about the different ways Butch Mystique and Boi Hair image Butch desire; what is butch desire? Also, #3 in the same section is asking to compare Max Wolf Valerio's discussion of his Tranzman identity with those of the butch mystique and boi hair. I don't know if I'm missing something but I just don't understand these questions.


littlestevie said...

the way I am understanding these questions is that 'butch desire' is the identity or expression of style that people find attractive and can relate to in a way that includes physical desire. Basically, what it is about the 'butch look' that another person would like. Q#3 is about the difference between a trans-identified person and a person who is not trans; in Butch Mystique it is described as 'women who want women' and in Testosterone it is a women who identifies as a man who likes women. That is how I am understanding these q's so hope that helps and hope to not be completely wrong!!!

littlestevie said...

Oh, wait!!! Q#2 could also be read as asking for what a butch finds attractive, in Mystique they talked about femmes and in Hair they talked of other butches. Hmm, so I don't know if 'desire' is for or from the butches. Guess you can decide which is easier to understand and write about!!!

ashley montgomery said...

Steve, thank you so much for the clarification. I had a feeling that you would be able to help me out.-ashley

Rafa said...

Oh My God I just read the questions and they are supper hard, most of them we never discussed in class, plus two essay's. Wow who would thought that after beign so relax all semester she would hit us so hard with the final, helppppp

Rafa said...

One question: Who is Reza Abdoh and when did we see or read The Law of Remains???

Anonymous said...

@cdesRafa, the "Law of Remains" was that play we re-enacted/read in class...Andy Warhol, Jeffrey Dahmer...the one that was hard to understand.

Rafa said...

Thank you girl.