Saturday, May 12, 2007

Umbrella Country

I really wish we had spent more time on this book, there was so much more in the little things about the characters that was really remarkable. I would've said more in the class when we did talk about it, but actually had started crying again thinking about Gringo saying goodbye to Fernando (Boy Spit - I just re-read that passage so got his real name, the only time it is mentioned) so just sat in the back wiping my tears. About the ending, in many way it was both the happiest and saddest ending to a book I've ever read. There was so much hope and chance for a good life for everybody finally. Even Daddy Groovy could get a chance to be a real father to his sons. This book made me think seriously about the things that bring people to USA, and when I meet immigrants sometimes their foreign customs annoy me, and I think "if they want to come here why don't they want to be American?" but stuff like this reminds me that not everyone wants to come here, some people have no choice. Like the kids, but also Daddy Groovy, who had nothing for him in PI either, his only chance for a real life was to come here where we get all the product of the rest of the world for our wealth and have all the space to spread out. Also, almost everything we've read or watched this semester has had the theme of 'memory' or 'identity' from our past heritages, I guess by keeping some part of their past it keeps people sane and grounded in ways that a native-born can't see, being already in the place the memories are from.


Rafa said...

Well I think we had a great discussion in class, too bad a lot of people didn't go that day and half of thos who went did not have finish the book.

Rafa said...

Anyway I agree with you that the characters were great and we could have talk a lot more, thanks for reminding us about Fernando, great moment that him and Gringo had.

Anonymous said...

i didnt expect to love this book as much as i did because of the fact that it was a gay boys and not gay girls but iloved it i loved how it was put together piece by piece allowing the reading to think about things a little bit.... i wish i would have finished the book by the time we discussed because i had so much to say after i did finish it... every detail in that book meant something and all made sense.. all the characters were linked in some way... it was cray cuz i had so much in myhead.... but i agree with rafa after reading this book my eyes were open to the fact that everybody is really rushing to move to the u.s. some prefer where they were its just circumstance that brings them here. in a perfect world i wish Estrella would have kept her boys and learned how to love them as her children and not hate them cuz they were the two things that kept her tied to daddy grovie.