Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Great, now I find the NEW blog icon

I posted this under the Gwen Araujo blog, but I just wanted to ask if anyone else was a bit confused by the play we are reading? I know about Jeffrey Dahmer, but it's a bit hard to follow as we read in class, despite how interesting and entertaining it was yesterday. Was this a movie as well, because the title sounds familiar, but maybe it was unrelated.

I was also wondering what is going on as far as the reading of "HER". Anyone? Anyone?


la wendy said...

It is a hard script to follow. I also don't get why it repeats as often as it does. Is it a theatrical effect or am I missing something?

littlestevie said...

I will wait until Friday to figure out the play, but about 'Her' will say it is one of the most difficult readings ever, hard to follow the characters and various plotlines but am near the end and will admit it is an amazing book! Since we are past the subject in class it wouldn't make sense to back up to discuss it now. So guess we are just going on from where we are? Oh, am so conflicted about Sunshine/Kali and hope she gets aways from MD alive! Also, Miss Charlotte &Ricky and King Solomon make an amazing love triangle so will finish to see where that goes. I do think the book is a little too complex and difficult, most students need some warning and prep before reading this.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know that I was not the only one confused by the play. The repetitions drove me a little buggy, probably because the play was being read out of context (not being performed on stage, I mean). I didn't understand it one bit, and hope I can grasp it more on Friday after the discussion.