Thursday, April 5, 2007

A new move for our class

OK, I'm moving class discussions out of iLearn and into the Blogosphere.

Why, you may ask?

Is it because you are all so exciting that I want to share you with the world.

Yes, of course.

Also, there's some limitations to working in iLearn. The main one is that everyone is limited in their self-presentation to the name that appears in the registrar records. I tried to get the techfolk to let us be more flexible and they were not that interested, so I figured rather than wringing my hands about it, we should liberate ourselves.

Second is that the forums have been okay for occasional postings, but they're disconnected. I thought a blog format would put all of our conversations together.

Finally, I want your input: should we open this blog to the world (so that anyone can read it) or keep it closed (so that only we can read it). Either way, I'm going to limit comments to our group only.


Zen said...
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Zen said...

The point of moving the forum to here was that everyone and anyone could access it right? If that is the purpose then might as well let everyone and anyone see what kind of conversations we are having in class. But whether or not we should allow any random joe to post on the forums would depend. My suggestion would be making two catagories. One for class only and for students of the class, and then the other one would be open for anyone to post anything.

Zynthia said...

I agree with what Zen said. I think everyone should be able to read it, but limiting comments to those only in the class. Having a separate section for those who are involved in the class disccussions, and an area for those to solely comment on what they have read is a great idea too.

Anonymous said...

i agree wit the both of them i think it would be interesting and enlighting to see the different point of veiws and how different people express them. it will also be interesting to see what topics interest people the most.

Dylan Waller said...

I don't see anything wrong with letting anyone who wants to be able to access this blog, at least from a personal standpoint. I also wouldn't mind if others (people not in the class) were able to comment on our discussions. Again, my thought is why not? They may be able to add more to the conversation. With that said, I could see why some people may want to keep this blog private. Either way works for me.

littlestevie said...

No problem with everyone seeing the comments! It'd make sense for only classies to make comments, since we have some clue about the context and already have some communication going.

ashley montgomery said...
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Anonymous said...

I am finally getting used to blogging. I think that the blog is a great idea and I'm grateful that anonymity can be retained...