Monday, April 23, 2007


One topic I didn't really get to was the language of porn in The Law of Remains.

What did you think of the "porn scenes" in the play?

Why are they there?

Notice that they're narrated differently: what's the effect of this?

I mean, if you were watching the play, and there were these explicit sex scenes acted out** it would be different than listening to them described in this way.

**When I gave the example from the other Abdoh play where two guys "simulated tender fucking" "very realistically" I only realized after-the-fact that what that meant was that they were actually fucking. I can be naive that way some times.


Aisha said...

The play had a lot of passion in it...Being that sounds a little abstract, im going to do my best to try and explain what i mean. Murder, drugs, love, sex, film-making (and all art for that matter) involve some kind of passion. Porn provides the same, whether it is 2 people making love, or just fucking, it's all passion in some form right? I think the porn served its purpose similarly to the murders in the sense that both are passion at their rawest, most uninhibited way. I believe Freud would argue that this is the Id. Fucking and murder is kinda like survival and procreation (though the latter may not necessarily work with gays and lesbians). Either way, I think the porn just contributed to the idea of human nature, since the play toiled a lot with morale vs. human nature. etc.

ashley montgomery said...

Just on the play overall: Though the play had tons of crazy stuff going on that was definately would catch anyone's attention, it was completely confusing and made absolutely no sense to me. I tend to like the abstract but I think this play was just a little too out there for me. I had absolutely no idea what was going on!!

Resume said...

I agree with Aisha on this one. The play, in my opinion, was laced with passion and raw sexual emotions as well as naked human feelings that weren't blanketed with political correctness. There were a myriad of themes in this and the beauty of it is that you can almost make of it what you may and it will work in your own context.

Anonymous said...

i just finished studying for me human sexuality class and i had the words of erodica,appeals more to the artistic then sexual interest and pornography, appeals to sexual interest only, as vocab words... and in studying those two i think erotica and pornography is inthe eye of the beholder. what one views at porn another might look at as art, so to me one person could put a stamp on whats what......